SPM covers the full range scanning probe microscopy techniques to investigate the surfaceproperties like as topography, electronic, magnetic characteristics from nanoscale to severaltens of micron. The state- of-the-art DSP-based fast digital controller provides not only mucheasy and flexible operational interface but also sufficient high speed/resolution imaging solution. Also, our system provides very versatile Ethernet-based remote control of the SPMinstrument. Advance nanolithography tool supports the very convenient interface as well asvarious probe-based writing techniques.
The hardware and software of SPM support high-speed imaging mode where the fast z-actuator such as integrated micro-actuator will be used. The maximum scan rate depends onthe scan size and number of pixel per image. It is possible to increase frame rate up to 1frame/s for the 256x256 pixel point. High speed imaging can be performed by an auxiliary fast digital feed-back loop which is implemented on our digital controller. Our fast DSP-baseddigital feedback can work up to 100 kHz bandwidth.
· High Speed and High Resolution Imaging
· Easy Operation
· Remote Control through the Internet
· Advanced Vector Scan and Raster Scan Nanolithography
· Flexible Spectroscopy Tool
Contact : sem.jeong@gmail.com
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